Adventures in Role Play

Our Heros

Ravens's Diary

Is it still April 2013?

The Bitch took us down in the elevator to the basement. This was some kind of guarded bunker. The pattern was just that, a glowing pattern on the floor of a giant underground room. Cordelia made some veiled threats. When I confronted her she confirmed that if anyone did not do what she said she would kill them. She has proved that she is a murderous bitch. I must learn, gain power and destroy her.

Renn went first and reported some strange sensations as he walked the pattern. There are somethings called ‘veils’ that are harder to walk through.

All the rest of the people walked through the pattern and got to the middle.

I walked the pattern. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done. The ‘veils’ were like pushing through walls. I made it to the middle though and found myself back in my room on top of the scarves I laid out. I had no energy left to make it to the bed and fell asleep there on the floor.

Nearly 2 days passed until I woke up again. I appear to have a perfect time sense. What a useful skill, I will never need a watch again.

The Bitch has finally told us some more information about what is going on but she is still being very close with information. She told us to try and manifest the pattern that we have learned.

It took all day but I did manage to manifest the pattern. I have no idea what to do with it though. The bitch neglected to tell us that part of course.

It left me very tired and I went to bed at early in the afternoon.

I have attempted to use my new time sense to wake me at 07:30 in the morning

Adventures in Role Play
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