Adventures in Role Play

Our Heros

Ravens's Diary

22nd Juvax 45

I collapsed through exhaustion after breaking the illusion. That spell really took it out of me. I slept for some hours in the castle in my bed roll.

Upon waking the group dropped the lord off.

We then all went shadow walking. A couple of people directed the walk at first. Then I had a try. I started to subtly change the pattern and then everything went black. I awoke in freezing snow with a huge headache. I have no idea what happened.

We had to build a makeshift shelter out of ice and snow. The blizzard blew for several hours.

After the blizzard blew out we could see a wood. We managed to make it to the wood. Going deeper into the wood we found a lane. Casimir could see smoke to the right.

We came across a hamlet in the woods. We knocked on the door of the largest house. Charlie persuaded the man living there to allow us to shelter the horses in the barn.

The climate here has collapsed in the last three years. This is not natural apparently. Charlie does not know what may have caused this. Charlie carefully walked the pattern and gained some information. The shadow has been deliberately locked. Energy is being drained out of the shadow. Charlie has no idea what is doing that. She suggested that we head towards the source and find out what is causing it.

The land got higher up. We were running out of food for both us and the horses.

We stopped for the night. The next day Charlie decided that we would push on for one more day. The land got higher and more rugged. Charlie kept the pattern up the whole time. The pattern started to wear Charlie out so I used Lifeforce to boost her stamina.

24th Juvax 45

Casavir found a castle up ahead that we heading to. The castle looked old and partly ruined.

We entered the castle and headed down into the cellars of the castle. In the cellar was a large gyroscope of some kind giving out light. Charlie called it a Ghost Wheel.

The Ghost Wheel is apparently an artificially intelligent computer make by Charlie’s Uncle, Merlin. What we can see is apparently the part of the computer that projects into the real world. The main part of the system is somewhere else.

She has no idea why the Ghost Wheel is here or what it is doing. Is it capable of doing the damage seen here but she has no idea if it is actually doing it. She has no idea why it would be doing the damage to the shadow.

Charlie communicated with the wheel. The wheel was responsible for the damage to the shadow. The Wheel is stuck in this shadow and wants us to contact Cordelia. It has lost contact with its main power source and is draining the power of this shadow to maintain itself.

So we stayed in the castle for the night.

25th Juvax 45

Charlie built the pattern so that we could leave this shadow. We roped everyone together so that no one got lost. We moved shadow to a nice warm shadow. We ended up at a coaching inn. We stopped and had a huge meal.

Charlie reported to her mother about the Ghost Wheel. Cordelia then turned up herself. She delivered horse food and disappeared again.

We set off again as a group shadow walking. Ren started doing the shadow manipulation this time. Target again was Scotland in a modern time.

In the evening we ended up in Iceland having gone via a nice waterfall. We somehow had a reservation at a hotel and there was a package for Charlie with a credit card.

26th Juvax 45

I had packed $1000 of the money we got from the drugs raid. I used some of this to buy drinks and a nice meal. Unfortunately Cordelia joined us that evening.

Cordelia needs to get all kinds of stuff to help this Ghost Wheel thing. This means that by that time the shadow will be wrecked and all the people will die. How can we rescue these people?

There is nothing more that I can really do. Charlie is going back to her school to sit her exams. I have decided that I should go back to my school and sit my A levels. This will tie up some loose ends in my life. Once I have finished the exams I will have finished school and will be an adult to follow my own path through my slightly odd life.

To get back to my school I will walk the shadows. This will give me some experience with shadow walking on my own. The school has stables where I can stable Turpen. I can then shadow walk back to Carnelian.

I am not sure how to deal with the school authorities about my absence. I think I will spin a story about a minor stress related breakdown. I will apologise to the school and tell them that the stress got on top of me and I ran away. I will tell them that I met a horsie woman who took me in and looked after me and has lent me the horse to get back to the school. I also have the remains of the $1000 that I can use for bribery.

I have also missed two weeks of revision. I will have to work hard to catch up.

If I have some time between revision I will use the pattern to analyse my home world so that I can start using magic here. I will also practice the lessons Cordelia set me.

I will also use Pattern to analyse people at the school to get used to how people appear. I wonder if there are any people who are not what they appear in my school. There may be a chaosite in hiding there! Unlikely but possible I guess. I am learning that the universe is odder than I thought possible.

I have to decide if using the pattern to manipulate the exams is a moral and correct thing to do. I could use the pattern to make questions appear in the exams that I am more able to answer. This would allow me to get a better grade than I may have gotten.

Adventures in Role Play
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