The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Alfred

Alfred's Diary

Chapter x+y+9 - Elf Warning

As promised, I did return to talk to Ygg again. This time I'd prepared myself a little better. I must have been annoyed at Charity's selfishness after I'd saved her, and stormed out here without any defense at all last time. This time I was more careful and at least had a dagger and some spells ready.

Ygg, its Alfred again.


How is the chalice coming on?


We've been thinking about how to bring an army to save the forest.

Forest safe.

Oh, I thought that you said that storm comes.

Storm comes. Trees bend. Trees grow.

So will all the trees get destroyed by the army of demons?

Some die. Maybe. Forest lives.

I was going to ask if there were any trees that could help us. Any trees that could walk or help us fight the demons.

Not here.

Any close by.

[At this point I get a sort of Yes answer]

When you say storm do you mean an army?

[Ygg's concept of storm is a destroying force]

These trees that could help. Could I find them?


Could I bring them here?


Could I talk to them?


Might they trust me?

Maybe. Take symbol.

What symbol?

You take symbol?

What symbol do you think I should take?

Take symbol?

Alfred: Yes

At this point I felt a shooting pain in my shoulder. A branch seemed to have shot out of Ygg and impaled itself in me. As I stood there, part of it grafted itself to me, and, sort-of, grew. A bud formed and broke open to reveal a couple of leaves.

And I said that I wasn't an elf.

Alfred: Thank you. Will I find them in this shadow.

Walk and you will find.

So it looks like I'm going to find some more forces. I just need to get some supplies, and maybe a horse, and I'll be off. I don't think that they are far away.

I think that I'll leave the branch there for now. I suppose I could try to absorb it into myself, but I don't know if it needs to be visible or not.

I hope it works.

Elves, humans. All I want to be is a gnome back in London.

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