The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Allagahn

Allagahn's Diary

Chapter 1 - To hell in a hand cart

I've known some pretty bad weeks in the past, this is the pick of them. It started of badly, got slightly worse in the middle and the less said about the end, the better.

A number of colonies have been destroyed by what seems to be an extremely hostile alien force and we made an initial probe in order to estimate a contract price. On the downside, we lost some good men.....Never one to dwell on the downsides, it's worth an absolute fortune as a contract.

My week began to deteriorate along with my sanity. At midnight, following a long day of negotiations, I heard a gong strike thirteen times from somewhere in the station. I asked a few of my guards and no one had heard a thing. Only one other seems to have heard it, my son, Callaighn.

Upside: maybe I'm not insane. Downside: He's millions of miles away.

The next night I decided to stay somewhat public, to gauge others reactions if it happened again... It did and worse. The whole world went gray and everybody/everything froze in mid whatever-it-was-doing, except me. You might say to yourself "What do you do if you find yourself on a space station and everyone/everything freezes, what do you eat? Where do you go?" the answer is you wander around asking yourself these questions. Luckily it only lasted a minute and then went back to "normal", everyone was fine, but they did wonder how I went from sitting down to the other side of the room without crossing the distance in between. It's a fair question!

So now I'm thinking alien weapon, which seems to affect everyone/everything except me (Downside: unstoppable alien weapon. Upside: doesn't affect me!). At this point I start to see the alarming trend of the week, so I decide if the weirdness occurs again, I'll at least be prepared: BIG gun, armoured space suit, some food, some air, some water.

Luckily for me, I hadn't wasted my time! It happened again, only this time it had a whopping great tentacle, but I had the gun! Unfortunately it didn't work against the thing and it grabbed me and started dragging me through space to an undisclosed location of it's choosing. Blows the "always be prepared" theory out the window.

When I was dumped on the floor of this big room, things got weirder. No seriously. I wasn't alone, there was a big nosed midget who spoke a very old version of English and a very strange woman who spoke a language I understood, in sentences I couldn't.

She said her name was Diedrie and that she wasn't dead (good to know) and that we needed to find a book a unicorn and a phoenix in order to save reality. I'd have agreed to anything if I got the chance to go home, but she had other plans. So I wound up in a bomb shelter with a madwoman with a big suit of armour and a very big blaster rifle.

Downside: No idea where I am; Surrounded by lunatics; I might be one of them.

Upside: Still alive.

  Hero of the Hour - Allagahn   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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