The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Fane

Fane's Diary

Day 9 (Evening)

I get down to the town and hide my clothes in the normal place, as I can’t fully shift my clothes yet. I change into the normal dog form and sneak into the town. It take me a while but I find what looks to be a hideout. At least I can smell the humans. After a short search I find the entrance, which is barricaded. I check there are no demons around then change into vampire form. As it looks almost human. I knock on door but get no response. So In the end I force my way in. Ok that was noisy not good. They were all asleep ok. They seem scared of something but none speak English. I we all hear a noise coming from outside. I prepare to fight. It turns out to be two demons. The humans start saying something and one even try’s to pull me back. I let him for now. But the demons must have not liked me as one punches me. Well now no demon does that and gets away with it. So I punch him back ripping into him and pulling out his heart. Unfortunately instead of coming to help his mate the demon kills two humans.I kill him but the damage is done. 

Ok that didn’t go well. I had to leave.I will try again some other time. 

I head back to the base of the cliff and find that there are some demons surrounding the entrance back in. I have a short think about it and decide if I buss past then I may be able to draw them off and get in. It may have worked but they spotted me before I go high enough. I did manage to make it into the forest before they all piled onto me, but they were quick. I did kill 2 getting to the forest. But I had to change into vampire form half way to the forest. Then it was just my size and strength that allowed me to make it.

However the next thing I knew was I was very tired and somewhere dark. And my shape shifting would not work. After a bit of exploring I find I’m in a cave and its night out. So I sleep for a while. Well I say sleep it’s too cold and I just can’t get settled. After a very fitful sleep I get up and leave the cave. I try to change into bat form but my shifting is still not working. This is not good. I have never had this happen before. I hope it’s not permanent. 

Anyway I need to get back to the castle. This drizzle will not help much either. But using my old human skills I manage to track the route I took to get here. But when the tracks head away from the cliff I decide that it would be better to follow the cliff not the tracks. Eventually I do spot the castle in the far distance. And have nothing to do but to walk there. 

It takes me hours but I do get there. Still no shifting. When I get to the bottom of the cleft I find that more demons are around the entrance and there are even demons round the bottom. Well I can’t shift this time. But in the light I do see that I could make it to the top of the cleft into the castle if I’m lucky the demons will not see me or if they do the guard in the castle will attack them. 

Well I do make it and get in but I guess I looked a mess because the guards stop me. But with Luke’s help I get let in. Or though Luke says I should shower. I guess I am a bit smelly. I ask him if we can meet for a chat later, he says yes. But before I do anything I have that shower. 

I meet Luke in the mess later and tell him about the demons. He says they already knew about the entrance, however Allanon set off a light spell in the tunnel so they are more active around it. 

    Get I will have to have a word with Allanon when I see him. 

I ask Luke where he is and how long I was outside. Well not good I was gone nearly 2 days. And that Both Allanon and Isocrates have left. They walked the pattern and teleported somewhere. But Luke didn’t know where. And Cordelia has replaced Fiona on the pattern. 

This isn’t good news. I will have to wait till Cordelia comes off the pattern to find out where they have gone. But I guess they have learnt more about the pattern. 

But I did find out that his trip went well and he and Hui-Jin managed to get the supplies and as he had Hui-Jin’s help he got more supplies than normal. 

He thinks my best chance of learning more about the logrus is Merlin. But he does not have a trump of him. However the queen may be able to contact Rinaldo. Rinaldo lives in Kashfa. And is married to Coral. Kashfa though is not a good place to visit as they don’t like Amberites much. Well that should be ok I’m not an Amberite. 

I ask him how the queen is doing. And he says she is healing and doing well. 

    I will have to go and see her later. 

But I tell him I can’t speak Thari so I can’t talk to the queen. He is surprised that I was not taught it by my father. He asks about what I do know about who I am. I tell him very little, but I have a hint of my family name of Sawall. 

But yes until I can learn more languages as I can’t walk the pattern I’m stuck. He says I could get the language implanted or I could learn it the hard way. At this point Fiona turns up and says hi to Luke. But ignores me. 

I introduce myself and say hi. She says she knows who and what I am. And that I am only here as they are not sure if this Deirdre person is real. So until they find out I am allowed here. Looks like she doesn’t like me much. 

But I do manage to get her to implant the Thari language. And I tell her about my family name. She tells me some interesting info about my family if they are my family that is. The Sawall’s were a powerful family but a bit of trouble has reduced that a bit. Merlin is the ruler of the courts. And she explains a bit more about Luke and Rinaldo. But she does not know if he would have a trump of merlin but he may do. 

Fiona then leaves phew. 

I ask Luke more about how he was made. He said he was a pattern ghost of Rinaldo and he was made real by Merlin using some of his own blood. And this made him real. Merlin did something with the blood. 

    Humm I wonder if it’s some sort of shape shifting I will have to see. 

Well as it’s not safe to go outside tonight I just spend my time trying to mould my clothes and I think I can do it. 

Day 12 (Morning - I think as I have lost some days )

I head to breakfast and find out that Cordelia has come off the pattern and left a note for me before she returned to the pattern and teleported away. The note tells me that Mikato will lead me to her.

  Hero of the Hour - Fane   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 19/06/2013 Last Updated 19/06/2013