The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Sorcha

Sorcha's Diary

Chapter 1 - New Friends?

A Forest Glade

I arrived to find myself alone in a forest glade with some sort of large transport vehicles, I am told they are called trucks (No one seemed to know why). There didn't seem to be a band of hero's around at the moment. It was easy to tell, as there wasn’t anyone around at the moment. As Dierdre sent me here I decided to wait for a while to see if anyone turned up.

A short time later Charity walked into view and just as I was saying hello to her, Cordelia came up behind me, put a sword to my back and started asking me questions. She really needs to take lessons in making friends and influencing people. I explaining that Dierdre had sent me and was met with disbelief. It seems that everyone thinks she is dead and no one seemed overjoyed to see me. Charity could not understand me when I speak, Cordelia seem annoyed and kept asking which Interfering Aunt or Uncle of hers had sent me. The others where mostly quite, I get the feeling I am not yet accepted.

A Cast of Hero's ?

When Dierdre said "team on a mission to save the universe" I could not have imagined such a disparate group of individuals. Three ladies and two lords with such differing dress sense that you would think no two came from the same world, which is actually true but not something you usually see. I call them ladies and lords because of the way they carry themselves, I have a feeling that they are all very important people wherever they come from. This means they are probably used to getting their own way, I can foresee trouble ahead if we must work together. So anyway the team seems to be Charity, Cordelia, Daida, Sir Ion and Taala. Cordelia is in charge but I am not sure how long that will last.

Hellriding across Shadow

Cordelia told us all to get into the "trucks" and they began moving, she warned us that she was going to "hellride" across shadow to get where we were going and that this would mean that weird things would happen outside the trucks. I bet myself that whatever happened could not have been as strange as the inside of the Logrus, so no worries there then, I was right as well.

Eventually we arrived in a long tunnel leading to a large underground room, from there we went up some stairs into a castle.

Pattern Walking

It seems that the others had traveled here as they wished to walk the Pattern. The Pattern is traveled from the outer edge to the center once you reach the center you can transport yourself anywhere you can visualize. Cordelia made everyone memorize their room, as they would need a nap after walking the Pattern. Daida, Ion and Taala all walked the pattern and when they reached the center disappeared transported instantly to their rooms. Then Fiona said that she needed Cordelia to come to the center and Cordelia started walking it, she seemed to find it much more difficult to walk than the others did, in fact upon reaching the center she collapsed into a coma. Fiona took Cordelia to the infirmary and then advised Charity not to walk the Pattern, as it could be dangerous for her to do so.

  Hero of the Hour - Sorcha   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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