The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Sorcha

Sorcha's Diary

Chapter 2 - Waiting for everyone to wake up!

A Forest Trail somewhere in Shadow

It's been three days since I had a chance to update this journal so I am stealing a moment while we are stopped for food (and to give Ion a rest before he collapses) to record what has happened.

The Castle

After I passed the night sitting under the tree and thinking that I had no idea what was going to happen, I decided to visit Cordelia in the Infirmary. She was unfortunately still in a deep coma and really was not much help. Fiona was still standing in the middle of the Pattern concentrating on things beyond the mortal Ken (I got the impression that she really did not want to be disturbed). Most of the others where still passed out from walking the pattern. The only other person who was up was Charity, so we had a bit to eat for breakfast and then went out for a walk around outside the keep (still keeping inside the castle walls). Charity gave me a quick demonstration of her "shotgun" and explained how it worked, seems very simple.

Ion and Taala did not wake up until evening and Daida until the early hours of the following night. These people really don’t have the stamina to handle the Pattern and should probably leave it well alone. Fiona manages to walk it and then stands in the center concentrating on something for 24 hours and she doesn't look even slightly bothered, these lots walk it and collapse for 24 hours (36 hours in Daida’s case).

Healing Powers Revealed

The Next day we all visit the infirmary to check up on Cordelia, Daida used some healing ability but the effect was very slight. I had a look over her using logrus sight, to see if there was any reason for her collapse but it seemed she was simply exhausted.

More on Trumps

As Cordelia seemed out of it for a while we decided to travel to the pattern at Amber so that Charity could walk it as she can’t walk the one here. We decided to find out what we could before departing so we went to visit queen Vialle, didn’t learn anything about how to save the universe, but found out a lot more about how to use trumps and how dangerous it could be with Brand out there watching. I think I am going to give the whole trump thing a miss. Charity ‘borrowed’ Cordelia’s trump deck from her room, so if we need them we have got them. We checked on Cordelia prior to leaving and she was dramatically improved. Decided to stay the afternoon and see if we could heal her some more and then depart in the morning after a nights sleep.

An Afternoon of Healing and Killing

Daida and Taala spent the afternoon practicing their healing powers on Cordelia. Charity and I gathered equipment for our trip and Sir Ion went outside the castle. He said something about wanting to kill a hundred of our besiegers, he came back after several hours bleeding from multiple wounds. He seriously needs to learn that he can’t fight an army all by himself.

In the evening Cordelia wakes up, she spent her time in the coma having dreams about Brand standing in the center of Pattern and remembers that this made her feel safe. This worry’s me, most worrying of all no one else seems to be worried that Cordelia’s having warm and fuzzy feelings about Brand.

We Setout, Destination: Amber

This morning after breakfast we crept out the castle’s back door and make it away into the forest without difficulty. Ion has just spent all day trying to use Pattern to shift us through shadow to Amber, we have stopped for a meal and he claims he is getting the hang of it now, honest. He is certainly doing something we have been walking all day and the sun is still high in the sky. We will see if we get to Amber anytime soon.

  Hero of the Hour - Sorcha   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 30/07/2003 Last Updated 24/03/2013