The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Sorcha

Sorcha's Diary

Prelude - Return of the Ice Demons

I could not ignore the reports any longer. They are too numerous to be rumour and have a ring of truth about them. I have not the luxuary or time to summon all the Lords and their men. I will have to make do with the Royal Guard, after all this is only to be a scouting expedition.

Today we rode forth to meet them, to cross the pass as my father had done and find out the strength of their numbers.It will take us several days to get there.

It is easy with hindsight to say I should have waited, should have done things differently but that is hindsight.
None of us expected what we found, both in turns of numbers and resilience. By the time I ordered the retreat it was too late. No I fear we have lost too many men to make it home. I fear greatly for my unprepared Kingdom.

For three days they have harried us and each day we have lost a few more men. Now at the end of the third day we number 30 and none are great shape.
Perhaps it is the realisation that tomorrow is likely to be our last, but I swore I heard a bell toll thirteen times as short time ago.

The day has been quiet, too quiet. I suspect they will come again tonight but I fear we are ill prepared. I write this as my last entry. Perhaps it will be found and people will know of the bravery of our men.
May your Gods have mercy on you all.

I never thought to be able to write this but somehow I was spared the carnage of last night, saved by some intervention when I thought everything lost.

They did come again and in vast numbers. Perhaps half died before we knew they were among us. How long we fought I cannot say, but then I heard it that fateful bell.

Frozen. Everything was Frozen. Demon, man, and shapeshifter, all frozen, all isolated in the instant of death or flight.
It took me several minutes(?) to determine that I was the only thing moving and several more to decide what to do. I could perish with my men, or I could attempt escape in whatever time had been granted me. I chose escape for in escape I could save my Kindom - warn them of what force of destruction was descending upon them.
As I turned, I was met by a strange sight, the taloned forearm of an Ice Demon frozen a scant swords thickness from the neck of the Captain of the Royal Household Guard.
I made my decision. Here was one life I could save. I hoisted his log like form onto my shoulder and began to jog south. Never has a few miles be so ardous a journey.

Then I heard the bell again, 10,11,12,13!
As it struck that final thirteenth chime. The world crashed about me again and with it the exhaustion of my flight. Unable to sustain conscousness I fell where I stood, oblivious to the fate of the captain.

It was daylight when I awoke, the guard captain staring at me with questioning eyes. Now was not the time. I/we had to reach the Castle. They had to be warned.
I rose to my feet, collecting my sword from where it had fallen and sheathed it. I checked my canteen. It was half full. I took a couple of mouthfulls and restoppered it. Extracting a piece of dried meat from my belt I started south, the sound of a second set of footfalls indicating that the captain was following.

All day I pushed on, stopping briefly to fill my canteen from a stream. I chose not to speak for I could not yet find the words to explain what had happened last night. Whatever thoughts the captain had he kept them to himself, save for his questioning looks and loaded silence.
All day he stuck with me, despite his growing exhaustion. I called a halt toward evening. One of us had to survive and he needed to here what had happened.

I gathered the materials and lit a fire. There was litle wood so it was a meagre thing but reassuring all the same. As I ate what was left in my pouch, I began my tale.
His expression betrayed his thoughts, but he waited till I had finished before expressing them.

He had not known of the strike that was about to kill him, for he had just cleft a demon in twain. He had then found himself falling, the sounds of battle in the distance, to land atop the unconscious form of the Queen. He had stood watch that night, knowing not what god or magic has spared his life and today he had followed me hoping for an answer, but the answer I had just voiced was insanity. Tomorrow he would see what he would do, but tonight he would sleep, and I, the Queen must take care of herself, for if he were to die tomorrow he would do it rested.

So here I sit on watch, writing once more in my diary. No demons have come so far but neither has sleep. What insanity does tomorrow hold in store?

I write again as the dawn aproaches. The bell, its chimes ringing clearly in the still night air, came again last night. The world frozen once more
Some time had passed, when a tentacle had come for me. I had turned to flee, to out run it, but there was suddenly a flash, a bright blue flash and the tendril had vanished, leaving the sound of thunder peeling through the grey numbness.
What god had smiled on me yet again?

After a passing of time the world returned to its normal unfrozen state and I continued my watch. Now in the cold light of dawn, the captains stirs. He regards me as I write these words. In his eyes I see his acceptance. He knows I speak the truth about recent events. Tonight we shall reach the castle of my childhood or die in the attempt.

All day we have travelled, and the light is now fading fast. In the distance the castle outlined against the last rays of the sun. Our rations were long spent before we set out this morning but mountain streams have kept us refreshed today. We have seen no signs of pursuit.
I must finish now for the light has nearly gone. If we are favoured we shall reach the safety of the castle before the night is out.

  Hero of the Hour - Sorcha   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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