Adventures in Role Play

Our Heros

The (Intermittant) Journal of Natsuki Hashimoto

4th Juvax 45

So this is the night of the day of my arrival, and according to the AI, Zou Yan, the date is the 4th of Juvax 45, which is the 45th year since the creation of the Pattern here by Tiberius at the end of the Patternfall war, what ever that was.

As I said in my earlier entry, I only write things in my journal that are significant or out of the ordinary, and the last day, well the passage of a significant number of hours that brings us by Zou Yan's reckoning to what amounts to the end of the day here, has certainly been out of the ordinary.

After the meeting in the library I'd spent some time setting up my avatar and learning how to use Zou Yan's facilities to sort out dresses for the balls and some additional general day clothes for my stay here. The clothing styles available are extensive and all appear to be made to measure on demand. Given the hour it was not worth trying to sleep if I was going to "go to breakfast" although I wasn't hungry.

Miss Chan arrived shortly after I did and proceeded to spoon a dozen of the chocolate and cream filled puffed balls left over from the library meeting into a bowl, then smother them in extra pouring cream, before filling a large mug with black coffee. Her idea of what passes for breakfast is obviously somewhat at odds with what the majority of the population would call breakfast.

I'm don't understand why the confrontation between Miss Chan, and the English refugee, Cormac happened. Yes the language barrier is a problem, but I don't see that as Miss Chan's fault, unless people who don't speak English were deliberately brought to this realm by her. But as Mizzurian, which is an American Company, has offices here then I can't see the logic to this, especially if people who work for Mizzurian live here. Also given how easy Zou Yan is to use I don't understand why he wouldn't choose to do so.

Thankfully the situation was difused by Mikato speaking. I have to admit that his admonishment of my cousins for thinking that he was "just a dog" was very entertaining. Thankfully they were too stunned by him speaking to notice my amusement.

By lunchtime local time I was actually hungry, and was pleasantly surprised by the menu, it was almost all oriental in origin, although not significantly Japanese, and no Sushi. It was all well cooked and well flavoured and I was surprised at exactly how hungry I was.

Having toured the Estate gardens in the morning Mikato took us to see the Medieval Castle and the Pattern in the afternoon. I don't understand his comment about it not being the "True" Carnelian Pattern as that one has a tree "Drasil" growing beside it. Aside from his comment it was still an impressive sight from the top of the Tower, even if the dome above it was closed.

One thing I forget.. it seems after we left the dining room this morning the girl from Scotland, Alana, collapsed. She did make it to dinner this evening, but it seems that both her and the gentleman from Cananda, Catlin, are affected in some manner by the amount of Trump energy around the Mansion. I have no idea about Trump energy, but the garden is a very active source of good Ki, and is a very pleasent space to relax in. Given its design and layout, somebody has gone to a lot of effort to enable such Ki to pool here.

After dinner everyone moved to the roof garden, I think to allow Alana and Catlin to be further from the main areas of Trump energy in the house. Once there Miss Chan produced a deck of Trumps from which she drew pictures of all the family members, which she proceeded to describe, at least in outline. There was even one of my father, which is sad for me as I shall now never be able to meet him. From her recounting  most have now gone to their ancestors, many at the hands of this Rodian demon she speaks of.

She also speaks of  "Markers in our Auras" which is how she identifies us as family. By what mechanism does she know this? Is she also gifted in the use of Ki, and is it possible that this is a use for it I have yet to discover.

Then there is Fatima. Why is she so scared of what is ahead of us? And why do I not feel the same? Am I somehow more brave? Have my experiences with Choki changed me that much, or was it the events of March 2011? Miss Chan is right about one thing. Worrying about random events that will end your life is no way to live. Whilst such events as she describes happen in Nippon, it is far worse and more common in America.

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